Our new season begins in October 2023! Join us for Tai Chi and Qigong at the Regent Centre on Locke Street South.

Tai Chi Workshop, Sunday, March 11, 2018

Tai Chi Workshop
Location: Regent Health Centre
Date: Sunday, March 11, 2018
Time: 1-5 pm
Cost: $60 / person

It has been a while since we did a workshop dedicated to the internal martial arts! This session will focus on folding some of the technique we've been focusing on in Qigong—the internal drop / grounding, and pushing from the feet—into the Tai Chi set, as well as on some of the unique energy qualities of Tai Chi that set it apart from Qigong. 

This workshop is open to those who are familiar with the Tai Chi set that we practice, and will include sitting and standing meditation. 

Please let me know by email at smithmk2@gmail.com or by phone at (905) 521-0043 if you'd like to attend. 

*if you're subscribed by email, don't hit reply to respond to this—your message will disappear into the void! Make sure my email address is in the "to" field. Thanks!

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